Sign document online for free

Sign document online for free

Learn how to sign a document online for free with DocuSign

Don’t waste time tracking down signatures. With DocuSign, your customers can sign and return documents with a few clicks. Your clients don’t need an account and they can always sign for free. They can sign anywhere, anytime with the DocuSign signature app.

DocuSign is easy for you and your customers to use. Upload PDFs or create templates for your clients to sign on our platform. Create tags where your client needs to sign and send the documents directly to their Gmail or other email service provider. Our world-class security protects your documents and your clients’ signatures so you don’t have to worry.

How to sign a document online for free:

  1. Click the link to DocuSign in your email.
  2. Verify your identity.
  3. Drag and drop your signature or initials in the tags you need to sign.
  4. Sign and save or send your document.

Learn more about how to do an online signature with our 30-day trial.