Signing PDFs

People often use PDFs for professional documents that they don’t want others to edit or change. To sign a PDF, you might think you have to print it, sign it, scan it, and send it back. No need. DocuSign makes it easy to digitally sign PDFs while preserving the document’s security.

With DocuSign, you can:

  • Sign PDFs anytime, anywhere on any device
  • Eliminate the hassle and cost of printing, faxing, scanning, and overnight delivery associated with signing PDFs
  • Offer clients an easy way to sign PDFs and return them

Three steps to sign a PDF

Did you receive a PDF to sign electronically? Quickly access, sign, and return PDFs that require your signature.

  • Step 1 - Click the email link to review your PDF. With one click, you can start the signing process.
  • Step 2 - Follow the DocuSign tabs. The tabs and instructions guide you through the process to sign a PDF.
  • Step 3 - Finish and you’re done. Once you’re done signing the PDF, click Finish. That’s it!

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