How Docusign wants to support the NHS with COVID-19

How we think Docusign can help the NHS with COVID-19 

Healthcare providers are the frontline defenders against COVID-19 – and if the pandemic has highlighted anything, it’s how important the NHS is. Our mission is to support NHS workers and we are honored to do so. 

We have been doing what we can to support the healthcare industry around the world – from patient intake to telemedicine, wherever healthcare organisations have called on us, we have been prioritising their needs. 

At such a difficult time, we would like to extend our expertise, technology and support to help ease some of the huge pressure that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought upon the NHS. 

To help make this time easier for you, we are committing to a special support discount between now and the end of the calendar year. 

Ultimately, we believe we can help the NHS by:

  • Speeding and de-risking the signing up and registering of new staff
  • Speeding and de-risking the procurement process of invaluable supplies 
  • Reducing paperwork and facilitating secure identification verification for testing   

Electronic signatures not only provide a secure and efficient way of processing legal documents, but minimise the risk associated with traditional paper documentation. 

We understand that this is an extremely testing time. We would welcome the opportunity to discuss with you how we can assist. 

Call us on 0808-189-2439 our dedicated NHS hotline and learn more about how we can support you. 

An example of how we have helped East London NHS Foundation Trust 

"Here at East London NHS Foundation Trust, we want to ensure that our customers (employees and new hires) have the best experience. For a number of years, new hires were required to print, complete, sign and bring to us a 38 page PDF document as part of their onboarding process. COVID-19 meant that this was no longer possible which pushed us to explore eSignatures and went with Docusign. The implementation process was smooth and the support received was second to none. Sending email attachments is now a thing of the past as Docusign has made remote signing so much easier and the team more efficient".

A few examples of how we can help: 

  • Physically distancing the patient-intake process. We are helping hospitals, clinics, and other providers avoid physically circulating paper and clipboards among patients and healthcare workers. Using Docusign eSignature, patients sign intake forms and consents remotely, ahead of time. For example, a COVID-19 testing centre was reduced to putting pens in the steriliser after each patient’s use; now the centre’s intake process is contactless and faster. And, at one of the world’s leading residential substance-abuse treatment centres, every staff member now has access to preconfigured templates for digital forms; completed forms are automatically stored with patients’ records.  
  • Enabling authorisation of telemedicine services. Patients are increasingly opting to see a doctor or other health professional remotely. Using a mobile app or a website, the patient can consult with the doctor via videoconferencing. We are supporting healthcare organisations in their efforts to offer this option.   
  • Remote training for patients’ use of medical devices. We’re helping one of the world’s largest medical-device companies convert in-home training of patients to online video training. For regulatory and safety reasons, patients need to sign-off on the training they’ve received for their new devices, such as for blood-coagulation monitoring. We’re enabling the patient sign-offs upon completion of training.  
  • Reducing the need for physical sign-offs by medical staff. Within hospitals, signs-offs are required for many activities – for example, bed assignments and treatment changes. We are seeing demand to transition these sign-offs from paper processes to electronic ones, often on mobile devices. 

We have extensive experience in helping organisations deploy our technology to the frontline quickly – including in healthcare and in some NHS Trusts across the UK.

Our products 

We offer several products and features, but we believe the following three are particularly relevant to the NHS at this moment: 

You can avoid physically circulating paper by signing intake forms and consents remotely. Docusign makes it easy for you to send documents for signature online. 

Allow healthcare workers to fill in a self service form, which generates the necessary document they need to electronically sign. Send forms on-demand and in one go, instead of manually sending out and preparing your documents individually. 

Provides options for enhanced identification of parties to an agreement, including checking government photo IDs and European eIDs—all done remotely.

We are eager to help the NHS – call us now on 0808-189-2439 to discuss what you need and how we can support. 

NHS Hotline
Mangesh Bhandarkar
GVP, Product Management